6 Facts About Me
I am a second-generation Colombian-American. I am greatly inspired by immigration stories, and have a deep desire to promote diversity in my writing.
I had brain surgery in 2010, and the experience made me both fiercely determined and a big believer in silver linings.
I am a lover of nature. When I was a child, one of my best friends was a stick named Psyche, who harnessed all the power of the trees.
I channeled my love for the geriatric population into a career as a Speech-Language Pathologist in skilled nursing facilities. I have had the honor of meeting many spectacular people, and their stories have become a part of me.
I am the mother of a beautiful and spunky child. My daughter is the happiest little creature you could ever meet, and makes me belly laugh/giggle snort at least twice a day.
Most of my picture book stories include a morsel (or more) of these truths. After all, in the wise words of Virginia Woolf: "Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works."